Transform your world from the inside out.
Your career burnout era ends now. It’s time to bloom.

Today’s potential is tomorrow’s reality.
Tell me if any of this resonates…
You are not enjoying your current job, and you haven’t for a while.
You feel almost guilty for wanting to leave a career you’ve been succeeding in for so long. After all, you worked so hard to get where you’re at.
You want to pivot careers, or you are already in the middle of a career transition.
You constantly ask yourself, “What am I doing?”
You might have an idea for a meaningful way to pivot your career, but the details are blurry. You need help getting crystal clear on what that vision really is, what it looks like, and how to achieve it.
You need a safe place to think and strategize your next move, and you need practical help with getting organized.
You feel like your world has shifted, and you’ve changed so much the goals you set out to achieve no longer inspire you.
Late at night, when you finally put down your phone, you think… “Is this seriously it? Is this the best option for making a living and getting bills paid?”

Is there more to life than this?
Yes, there is. Because there is so much more to YOU.
Welcome To Transformation Station
Your next life and career checkpoint
If you are looking to transition from a long-time successful career into a more fulfilling career or side hustle, you’re in the right place. Your mapped-out game plan for inside-out transformation awaits.
Hi Friends!
My name is Laura, and I’m a Certified Master Life Coach who helps working professionals strategize their next professional move. I firmly believe there is no need to trade your joy for a paycheck, and that your ‘dream plan’ for your life and career is a lot more possible than you may think. All it takes is some soul searching and a well-strategized plan.
Who I am
I am not your typical Life Coach.
If you are just looking for advice on how to jazz up your resume or LinkedIn, I’m probably not the right coach for you. If you’re ready to re-imagine life as it could be and create an actionable plan to shift the course of your future and become the “YOU” you always wanted to be… then we need to talk.
Like… ASAP.
I am not a throw-caution-to-the-wind-and-take-a-leap-of-faith kind of coach. I am a let’s-soul-search-research-and-get-to-work kind of coach.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all about empowerment and motivation, but we’re also going to work through past wounds, limited beliefs, and unhelpful mindsets. We’re going to get to the heart of the situation, unearth true passion and potential, and then mitigate risk by coming up with a legitimate career transition plan.
Learn more about me.
Who I help
My clients are mostly professionals in their 30s-40s who are tired of the unfulfilling hours they dedicate to their current job. They know there is more to life than the never-ending burnout they are experiencing, and they want to devote their time, energy, and expertise to something that actually matters to them.
They want a more meaningful career.
They want to find a more soul-fulfilling way to live life and earn income.
They want to align their skillset with their higher, truer calling.
They are craving a life reset.
They value freedom more than security.
They are willing to get clear on who they are and what they want.
They are ready to take responsibility for their life experiences.
They have a general idea of ‘what’s next’ but they need some inner guidance and some practical, hands-on, implementation support.

My clients are strategic. They don’t typically leap into the unknown. They prefer to set themselves up for success by researching and preparing first.
That’s where I come in.
How I help
I am a Certified Adult Chair® Master Coach, and I am also someone who knows what it’s like to navigate a corporate leadership role and transition careers. I draw from The Adult Chair® model, Agile Scrum methodologies, and leadership training tools to help my clients achieve their goals. That said, The Adult Chair® framework is always my starting point with every client. Here’s why…
Without inner alignment, external action lacks purpose. All the achievements, promotions, and transitions in the world won’t matter if you feel like a mess on the inside. True transformation always starts from the inside and unfolds outward. If you want to feel alive again, you start by awakening the passion lying dormant inside you.
Sometimes that passion is hiding behind an emotional wound from your past that needs healing, and other times that passion is buried under unhelpful beliefs that are no longer serving you. Either way, inner work is the groundwork for external strategies. Before we focus on HOW, we will begin with discovering your WHY and getting crystal clear on the WHAT.
It's time… I’ve got you, and you’ve got this! Together, we’ll make it happen.
It’s time to resolve inner conflicts and confidently step forward into all your potential has in store for you. Whatever that next step is – a leadership role, a new job, or starting your own business – I will guide you through the transformation.

Together, we will discover powerful ways to restore inner alignment and achieve outer accomplishments.
What makes my approach unique?
Every client is different, and I always custom curate my approach based on the uniquely specific needs of each client. That said…
Destiny doesn’t leave your potential to chance, and neither will I.
My superpower is project planning. Fun fact – I’m a Certified Agile Scrum Master with a strong technical background in Aerospace Systems Engineering. So, you can bet I love to goal plan!
I like to spend a few sessions diving into my client’s ‘why’ and working through mental and emotional blocks, but once your ‘why’ is established and The Adult Chair framework is in place, I LOVE to provide practical, tangible, realistic, what-do-I-do-and-how-do-I-do-it support.

My approach is very solution-focused, and I will work with you to map out a clear strategy for every goal.
Why I help
I love big, hairy, audacious, dreams. They’re the best kind! Seriously, if you can dream it, I can help you achieve it. Your highest potential for your life and your career doesn’t need to be an elusive dream. It can be a reality – one that you deliberately create one choice at a time.
The leaders and movement makers of today aren’t superhumans. You don’t have to have it all together. You just need to have some things together.
Learn more about my coaching services.