A little more about me.
I am an Adult Chair®️ Certified Master Life Coach, guiding people from feeling burned out and stuck in their life to becoming an empowered badass living their dream life. Huge life transitions start from within. I’m here to help you soul-search and map out a game-plan so you can take that first step towards a more soul-aligned future.
Where I started
For most of my life I have been very type A, organized, and always, always had some sort of plan. Even at a young age I was very future focused and thinking of what I could do in the present to help me in the future. By the time I was in high school I found the perfect balance of personal interest and practicality. I would become an engineer.
That’s when I came up with The Plan.
The Plan was to have a successful and fulfilling career in the engineering field. This meant rising up the ranks from junior engineer all the way up to chief engineer.
Per The Plan, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007, got some work experience, then got my Master’s degree in Systems Engineering in 2015. I was being recognized as a top performer and given the opportunity to go into a more senior lead position.
The obvious choice was to take the senior lead position, right? Yet somehow it didn’t feel right and for the first time in 10 years, I deviated from The Plan.
Deviating from ‘The Plan’
Although I worked so hard to get to where I was and saying no felt like a betrayal of my younger self’s dream, I declined the opportunity. Instead I asked my manager something I knew could pause my move up the corporate ladder: I asked to be considered for any opportunities that may come up across the country even if it was unrelated to what I was currently doing.
I didn’t know it then, but that was a pivotal moment. What I thought was simple deviation from The Plan turned into letting it go completely. I realized that having a plan was an illusion of control, and a poor one at that.
It feels secure to have a plan but ends up obscuring what really matters.
Discovering my Inner World
I started tuning in to what felt right to me in the moment. My mind stayed in the present instead of constantly jumping to the future.
As a result, I remembered all the simple things I loved in life, like a simple walk in the park. I quite literally stopped to smell the roses. I spent more time just being instead of constantly doing. And somehow this made me an even better and more focused person at work. I took more time to problem solve before jumping into action, and if my initial plan didn’t seem to be working, I was able to let it go and pivot. I was unattached to any plans I made. It didn’t cause me as much anxiety when unexpected problems or situations would arise. In being more present and in tune with myself I knew adjustments and flexibility were something I could do.
My life had not changed and yet everything changed.
I had the same job, same uncertainties, and no new mapped out life plan. And yet I found myself happier than I had ever been. I ended up with the highest performance rating that year and even so, my heart told me to move on. So I did. I’ve learned to listen to what my heart tells me no matter how much it “doesn’t make sense.”
Where I am now
Now, I work with professionals who are successful in their career but are tired of the unfulfilling hours they dedicate to their current job. I help my clients do some soul-searching to understand what truly matters to them and learn to let go of their own version of The Plan. Together, my clients and I uncover their personal why, get clear on what truly brings them joy and fulfillment, and then come up with a personalized game-plan on how to live a more soul-aligned life.
Change can be scary, but I truly believe even the smallest of shifts can make a world of difference.

About Lead Intact®️
Strong leadership starts from within.
Lead Intact®️ facilitates leadership growth through deep inner work and use of practical tools. When you Lead Intact®️, you will know what to do, stay present, work well with others, put yourself first and set your pace. You WILL turn your dreams into reality!
Let’s change the world together, one leader at a time.
When you Lead Intact®️, you lead from The Adult Chair®.

The Adult Chair® (TAC) is a manual for your life. It’s a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident, and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness, and respond to life in a healthy way.
The idea of “Lead Intact” is rooted in leading from our Adult Chairs. We can’t be integrated and intact (or “inTAC” if you will).