Recalibration Week Preview

I created Recalibration Week to help you recalibrate your actions so that they once again align with your intentions.

Have you ever felt worn out, tired, and restless all at the same time? Where the “fun” thing has started to feel more like a chore and you don’t even remember why you started to begin with?

Me too.

In fact, I was feeling that way for months before I finally gave myself permission to rest.

If you resonate with this, then first I want you to read closely as I say the following:

It’s ok to rest.

And at the end of your rest period, however long that is for you, if you’d like some guidance on how you can get back on track, then this program is the one for you!


Check these out for a detailed walk through of Recalibration Week!


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The Principle of Why, What, How Preview