The Principle of Why, What, How Preview

I created the Principle of Why, What, How because I was tired of going through my life on auto-pilot. I was constantly going from one thing to another without understanding why I was doing the things I was doing. At some point I knew why, but I got so caught up on all of my plans that I lost sight of it.

If this sounds like you, the Principle of Why, What, How will guide you to approach your new project, business, or any other aspect of your life with intention.

Of course, at the end of the day this is about finding your own process, so follow along as long as it still feels right for you!

If you’re feeling tired, worn out, and uninspired, consider doing the Recalibration Week program first.


For more guidance on applying the Principle of Why, What, How, check out these tools


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Recalibration Week Preview